Wednesday, May 25, 2011


It's been busy here at Yarn Graffiti documentary production central. John and I have been busy working on promoting our Indiegogo campaign and working on the Texas Filmmaker Production Fund, Cinereach, along with ITVS grant applications. I feel like we have a better chance at TFPF than ITVS but we are guaranteed to not get anything if we don't apply.

In the last month or so my documentary has gotten a little bit of attention, specifically in the blog world. All this attention makes me feel amazing. It's as if the bloggers has given me their stamp of approval.

Check out...

Modern Knitting

Laughing Squid

Tree Hugger


Arts Media Lab
Fashion at Liberty
Penn Alternative Fuels
Cool Craft Sites
Green Dump
Design Talk
Knitta Please

and many more. I've been noticing that a lot of the blogs like to repost from each other. Tree Hugger seems to be a trend setting in the blog world. It's crazy but it feels really good.
I won't say too much more but there have been talks with TrendStop, The Guardian, and Time Magazine about doing a story about the documentary.

Many many people have tweeted about the doc and I really appreciate everything. Thanks to @KnittingNews, @ModernKnitting, @LaughingSquid, @knittyattitude, @knittaporfavor, @emperorsclothes, @CrochetBlogger, @StitchLily, @StreetBandits, @KnitoriousMEG, @deadlyknitshade @KnitsforLife @laidbackknitter and many more.

On top of all the blogs and tweets, I've been on Austin's KOOP Radio FM91.7 talking about my documentary. Unfortunately they don't archive their shows otherwise I would have shared my part here. It was really fun and since, I've been invited on Sherry Mills's show every week since to kind of keep her company.

Long story short, things are good for the documentary. Thanks for all the support.